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Who We Are

For Christ Since 1888...

As a church...

We Worship Through the Word


The word “worship” means more than the singing part of a church service. Worship is all that we do to bring glory and praise to God. All of our worship is rooted in and done according to the Word of God.

Our preaching is expository, meaning it comes from the Bible as the Bible directs. Preaching, too, is worship, as it ought to help respond to God’s goodness and glory revealed in his Word. In the same way, our teaching ministries come from the Word and seek to deepen our understanding of God’s work in our world. 


We Care for One Another


The body cares for itself, for its needs and hurts. So the church watches out for one another, cares for one another, and seeks to bless one another as we strive for unity and growth in holiness. As Paul writes in Ephesians 4: “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.”


We Reach the Next Generation


Our Children’s Ministry and Youth Ministry, together referred to as our Next Gen Ministries, are designed around bringing the Good News of Jesus to the next generation of believers and equipping them to live deeper Christian life as they grow into adulthood. 


We Reach Winston Salem


Our calling is upward – to Worship – and outward – to expand worship by sharing the Good News of Jesus. While every adherent and member at First Alliance is urged to engage in personal evangelism, we also have organized specific opportunities to engage in the work of evangelism in our community.


We Reach the World


The Alliance started as a missions movement, and we continue to support the work of missions to all nations! We have a few resident international workers attached to our church whom we love and support. We also host an annual missions weekend focused on our missions work, with guest international workers from all over the globe. Look for this festival each Fall!

First Alliance Church began in downtown Winston-Salem in 1888. Located at the corner of First and Church streets, First Alliance was originally called The Fourfold Gospel Church and was known around town as “the holiness church.” The goal of the church was to reach Winston and reach the world with the gospel of Jesus.

Over a hundred years and a couple of moves later, we maintain that core identity. We are a multi-
cultural family who desires to love Jesus more and love one another better while reaching
Winston Salem and the world with the Good News.


Though we tend to think of the church as being a building, the Bible refers to the church as being a family and a body – the “body of Christ.” (1 Corinthians 12:27, Ephesians 2:19). We seek to live like Jesus in all that we do as a church, including the times we are together, in our small groups, at home, and alone.


Our desire is to honor Jesus in how we live and what we choose to do with our time and resources. 

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